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Specifically engineered to meet the demanding requirements of the paint and explosives industries, our gear pumps offer unparalleled efficiency in fluid transfer, ensuring consistent pressure and flow even in the most complex applications. Whether handling viscous paints or high-pressure explosives materials, Rotodel Pumps’s gear pumps are designed to perform with maximum reliability, minimizing downtime and enhancing operational safety.

Transfer of Paints and Varnishes: Rotodel Gear Pumps are widely used for transferring paints, varnishes, and coatings. Their ability to handle high-viscosity materials ensures consistent flow rates during production, which is crucial for maintaining product quality.

Mixing and Dispensing: These pumps facilitate the mixing of various components in paint formulations, ensuring uniformity before dispensing into containers or application equipment.

Handling Solvents: Rotodel Pumps can efficiently manage solvents used in paint production, allowing for safe and effective transfer without compromising the integrity of the materials.

Transfer of Explosive Materials: Rotodel Gear Pumps are designed to safely transfer liquid explosives and other sensitive materials. Their construction minimizes leakage risks, which is critical for safety in explosive handling.

Emulsions and Gelatinous Explosives: These pumps can handle emulsions and gelatinous explosives, providing consistent flow rates essential for accurate mixing and formulation processes.

Pumping Residual Paints and Solvents: Rotodel Gear Pumps can effectively manage waste by transferring residual paints and solvents from production lines to disposal or recycling systems.

Printing Inks and Dyes: In the ink manufacturing process, Rotodel Gear Pumps are utilized to transfer and mix printing inks and dyes. Their precise flow control helps achieve the desired color consistency and viscosity.

Thick Inks Handling: The pumps are capable of handling thick inks used in industrial printing applications, ensuring reliable operation even with high solid content.



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